our leadership Team
Who We Are

OWNER & Legacy coordinator
Maya "Kiwi Fresh" is our Legacy Coordinator. Maya's Great Grandmother created each home remedy skincare product from scratch. Her mother, founded iwi fresh in 2004 creating a family business from family remedies. Maya continues to share the iwi fresh culture, mission and and vibe.
For motivational speaking:
Yulunda Jackson
coo & Chief Product Officer
As iwi fresh's first employee, Yaya "Pineapple Fresh" manages operations, product production, quality control and essential each of the gears and cogs to ensure iwi fresh is performing as it should. With 20+ years with the company, Yaya makes sure things happen--at a level of excellence!
For product questions:

general manager & Dean
Anthony "Blueberry Fresh", our year lead massage therapist boasts 17 years with iwi fresh. The "Muscle Mechanic" has the experience and knowledge to educate you on body mechanics and provide tips to soothe those sore muscles. He is also our Dean of iwi fresh Greenhouse University, leading iwi fresh orientation.
For workshops and tips: